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Create a Spark!

Advancements in ignition technology have certainly slowed replacement rates, but they have also opened up more ignition sales opportunities.

Filter Technology

Information on replacing and caring for filtration systems.

Cost Crunch

Rising gas prices continue, but so must your parts deliveries. What do you do?

Engine Hard Parts: Still a Hard Sell?

Are engine ‘hard parts’ so called because they’re more difficult to sell than other automotive products? While it’s true that the internal engine parts market is soft, hard parts sales can still be an important part of your overall sales.

Are Your Cooling System Sales Hot or Cold?

Understanding the system and all its products will help your customers keep their cooling systems running cool as a cucumber.

Ignition Blast Off

In order to provide the right assistance, you need to know the basics. The knowledge can be beneficial to you, and most importantly, your customer base.

Electronic Accessibility

As electronics and computer controls advance in technology, the real issue for the aftermarket is the ability to repair these systems.

Cooling Off

It’s summer and that means two things – hot weather and increased sales of cooling parts.

Charging Up Ignition Part Sales

Consider all the SKUs your store has to carry just in spark plugs, and you can see how ignition system parts are fast becoming a complicated line to manage.

Making the Grade: Annual ASE P2 Test Prep

In this month’s issue, we mostly only address the technical aspects of the test. But there are other questions that deal with other areas such as sales, communication and inventory management. To help you, read on about certain areas you should know.