Opinion Archives - Page 29 of 43 -
Customer Service Balancing Act

There’s an old business axiom that goes something like this, “There are only two rules to follow in order to be successful in business. Rule # 1 is: The customer is always right. Rule # 2 is: When the customer is wrong, refer to Rule # 1.” Certainly, there is an element of truth in

Do I Sound Frustrated?

If the goal is to be correct only 95 percent of the time, then we’re doing a good job. But that ‘95 percent feeling’ will get us in trouble and send customers away from doing business with us.

Do it Right, Always

Train your empoyees to trust their instincts and act in the best interests of your clients.

I’ve Got Your Back

Rather than just be an editor, I’d hope that all of you, as Counterman readers, also look to me as a friend and a guy who will go to bat for you.

Don’t Forget to Torque Down

I just received the latest copy of Counterman. I was very surprised when I finished reading the article titled “The Perfect Brake Job” in the Technical Training Series insert. I have been working on cars since I was about eight. As I was reading the article I noticed that each paragraph regarding the diagnosis of

Exploring Life’s Market

My own life, even up to this point, has not been stationary, and so it goes. This will be my last column for Counterman magazine. I am moving on, choosing to take a different path in the market of life.

Young Guns

I hate to break it to you, Mike Demers, but your generalizations of people age 25 and younger in your column What’s Wrong With Customer Service? portrayed a very poor example of the majority of working young people today. I happen to be in the demographic of people whom you described as “lacking in customer

Who Says…

Never underestimate the power of words. Take a second to think before you speak — that second could mean all the difference in the world.

Big Chains Get Bigger

Our annual review of the top 20 Super Stores reveals that much maneuvering and positioning has gone on in the past year and will continue in ’08.

What About Telematics?

Although telematics might prove to be one of the most significant challenges that has ever faced the aftermarket, there are ways to deal with it.

Production vs. Custom Engines

The article “Crate Engines: A Smart Solution” by Larry Carley (September) presented a one-sided opinion of the repowering business. I believe the more than 7,000 custom machine shops in the US would take great exception to many things Mr. Carley espoused in his article. He paints a sorry picture of the custom engine rebuilding industry

“O,” No!

Sure, mistakes happen and in the repair business they happen quite often. Usually the mistake is a result of carelessness or forgetfulness, but whatever the reason, it’s fixing the mistake that matters most.