Opinion Archives - Page 30 of 43 -
Technology Solutions

Technology will be at the forefront of everything you do in the coming years, and this magazine pledges to keep you up to date on its application and use.

Then Why’d You Do It?

Would you ever sell a part you couldn’t warranty? It happens all the time and creates more work and expense for everyone in the end.

Let’S Make a Deal

Is the industry up for a challenge? Let’s make a deal about the future of paper catalogs.

Getting More Business

Chances are good that most of your customers would rather buy from you than the OE dealer. Are you giving them the right reasons?

Up is Up

Although the DIY market appears to be looking a little brighter, the commercial side of the business is where the real future growth will come.

With Thanks

Thank you Gary Garberg for finally saying in print what I’ve been trying to convey for years! Delivery drivers and outside sales reps don’t get the credit they deserve. Way too often they end up being the “punching bag” for someone else’s mistakes. I liked the article so much that I made copies and forwarded

A Non-Technical Solution

Most of us rely on technology every day, but in that reliance we sometimes forget about the people around us.

Dissecting a Survey

The aftermarket loves conducting surveys and analyzing the results. But, more often than not, the data is biased and inaccurate. It’s time we begin focusing on the facts.

Around the World

Multi Parts Supply (MPS) employs more than 60 people around the world exactly because, as Jon Owens stated in his column Made in China, “there’s more to (sourcing directly from China) than just finding a low-cost  supplier and letting the increased margins roll in.” Not one of these 60 people is actually fabricating or distributing

Offended Reader

I feel very offended about the name of your magazine. There are so many counterwomen who do the very same job! Elizabeth Burney Parts Specialist Seminole, OK Counterman Responds… Thanks for your letter, Elizabeth. We get letters like yours every so often, and do appreciate your comments. Over the years, we have considered changing the

Let Them Flip Burgers

I’ve been in the auto parts business for the last 10 years. In that time, I have worked for an independent, a national retailer and now, a smaller program-group affiliated chain. The trend of getting rid of knowledgeable people and replacing them with “Joe Blow Computer Geek” is really bad. What’s worse is the management

Face-to-Face Selling

I really enjoyed Editor Brian Cruickshank’s The Formula column. Great article. I liked the way he juxtaposed Advance’s $1 billion in commercial sales milestone against the simplicity of the guy at the counter being the cornerstone of a great wholesale business for 40 years! So many senior managers in the aftermarket overlook the value of