Opinion Archives - Page 39 of 43 -
On a Mission

Keep an eye out for the next issue of Counterman. It will include an all-new product-specific technical training series.

It”s That Time of Year!

‘Tis the holiday season, a time for sharing, giving and, of course, Counterman’s annual Top 10 lists.

No More Countermen?

Saying that technology will replace the parts professional is sort of like waiting for the paperless office. Not gonna happen.

Efficiency Wins

ArvinMeritor’s recent Jiffy Lube distribution announcement wasn’t Earth-shattering news. Or was it?

Lowes Knows!

Want more customers? Grow your own! Lowes uses training as a way to increase sales. Now, Advance is getting in on DIY education.

The Great Brand Debate

A brand is a promise. But the bigger question is: Just what exactly does your brand promise?

Pac Man Fever

Pricing pressures in the automotive parts business are so bad that prices have remained essentially unchanged since 1982.

Who’s Gaining Market Share, And Who Isn’t?

A close examination of this years P.A.R.T.S. Supplement reveals specific data you can use to grow your business.

An Industry Honor

Each summer, the magazine staff begins its nationwide search for the Counterperson of the Year. Who in your store deserves this honor?

Getting In-Sync

Technology is a fact of life in business. Technology is ready for us. The question is, are we ready for it?

Time Wins Over Technology

Early adopters, never adopters and everyone in between. How fast technology is adopted is based on its real-world use and bottom-line benefits.

Romancing the Dot Bomb

Even the Internet needs proper channels of distribution.