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Polk Inventory Award Winners Share Their Secrets to Inventory Success

In the past, trying to decide what part numbers will create the best inventory to offer your customers was not only tedious and slow, but something akin to peering through a broken crystal ball.

I have a 2007 Pontiac G6 with 34,000 miles. I keep up with the regular oil changes. At what point will it need a tune-up so I know for sure I am keeping my vehicle in tip-top condition?

Great job maintaining your car! GM recommends very long "tune-up" intervals of 100,000 miles or so. Don’t trust them! Most consumers find out they need spark plugs when the computer turns on the Check Engine light and ignition misfires occur. By then, other damage may have resulted like burnt (and expensive) ignition coils! It’s better

Solving the Mysteries of Rotating Electrical

How learning the basics of starting/charging systems can help you avoid a warranty issue.

Framless Blades = More $$

New frameless wiper blades provide opportunity for additional profit.

Business as Usual?

Columns come from lots of places. Sometimes something happens that is so upsetting or so compelling I have to write about it just to get through it — or past it. Other times something happens and there is an obvious lesson that I feel is important for both of us to consider, important enough to

The Value of My Jobber Partner

Looking back over the 31 years since I opened my own shop, it’s not hard to see that a positive and productive jobber/shop relationship is the primary ingredient for the success of any jobber or any shop operating in the independent market. On the one hand, many shop operators look at their local jobbers as

Keeping Up Professional Standards

How can a distributor help in this area?

ASE P2 Test Preparation Guide: Electrical System

• Identify major electrical system components
• Identify electrical system component functions
• Identify related items
• Provide basic use, installation and warranty information

Future Shock

Given that group technician programs have the ability to increase the profitability and viability of the average independent repair shop, what technical and marketing challenges do they face?

Training is an Attitude

It’s a fixed business expense just like heat, lights and insurance. We must be willing to change right along with vehicle technology to meet the challenges of the future.