Larry Carley, Author at Counterman Magazine - Page 31 of 33
Cooling Off

They just don’t make those air conditioning systems like they used to – they make them better and more complicated. Technical Editor Larry Carley discusses the detailed characteristics of today’s climate-control systems.

Brake Friction Materials

There is no such thing as a perfect single formula when it comes to brakes. But in order to steer your customers in the right direction, your recommendations should fit your customer’s concerns perfectly.

Ignition Blast Off

In order to provide the right assistance, you need to know the basics. The knowledge can be beneficial to you, and most importantly, your customer base.

Ride Control Chassis: Profitable Parts

Long life is just one of the reasons chassis parts dont move very fast. The other reason is that many customers dont know when chassis parts should be replaced.

Seeing Clearly

Most people realize the importance of being able to see the road ahead clearly when driving in wet weather. Thats why windshield wipers were invented in the first place.

No Fuel, No Go. It’s That Simple.

Internal combustion engines require a fuel delivery system that can not only supply fuel to the engine but also mix it with just the right amount of air to create an explosive mixture that urns efficiently and cleanly.

The Comeback of Engine Parts

People are keeping their vehicles longer, and an increasing number of vehicle owners are finding themselves upside down as to what they owe on their vehicle and what it is worth.

Battery Science

The battery is one of the most important components on a vehicle today. It provides the amps needed to crank and start the engine, and it stores the voltage that runs everything from the ignition system and fuel injectors to the vehicles lights and all of its electrical accessories. Lead-acid batteries have been around since

Cooling Off

It’s summer and that means two things – hot weather and increased sales of cooling parts.

Engine Repairs and Replacements

Engines are lasting longer and longer these days. But when an engine needs replaced is it better to install new, or rebuild?

Smooth Sailing — Steering, Suspension and Ride Control

Chassis parts may not be a high-volume category in the aftermarket, but sooner or later most chassis parts do wear out and have to be replaced. The question is, when?

Automatic Climate Control

Automatic temperature control is yet another evolution in the constantly changing climate control system.